Freya von Bulow
8 min readJan 3, 2021



Money is energy. Like time

You can spend both, time and money.

And both exist in abundance.

You just have to claim it.

Knowing that it is abundant and therefore spending it freely.

Creatively. Uniquely to you.

Time = money

Basic algebra


If you spend money-time in same ways it has already been spent multiple times, a million or billion times every day by others, you only get a millionth or billionth share of it. Of the cake.

The more creative you are and the more unique (niche) to your person you spend time and money, the bigger the share, the bigger your piece of cake.

Breaking down Time and Money

What could be the equation?


Def. “Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence”

Measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, decades, centuries.

Woahhhhh (more of those moments, please)


So why would we say ‘I don’t have (enough) time?’ It would mean that we don’t have existence. Meaning that we cease to exist.

De-ceased. But that’s obviously not true because we are talking.


So stop the fuck saying that!

You have all YOUR time in the world, just mismanaged. Or managed actually. in a certain way. If we don’t want to do something, we say we don’t have time. But if we really want to do something, we have all the time in the world for it.

I get it.

Taking time. Claiming it.

So what is the solution for not having enough time?

Only spend it on things you want to do!

Piece of cake

Spend time on things that are fun and matter to you. Things you WANT to spend time on. That is excellent time management. Otherwise it would be wasting time. But that’s valid too, if that is the experience you want.

A Midlife crisis is a point in life when we feel like we have been wasting time on things we don’t want. And we try to go backwards in time by doing things we feel we should’ve done instead and always wanted to but never had the guts to do. We turn back time by remembering how it was to be young and acting on it because we feel we can.

They say that youth is wasted in the young? Is that true? Youth is valuable we feel when we are older but when we’re young we feel age is more valuable. In both states we feel the opposite is more valuable. And we are craving for the opposite to be our reality.

How about appreciating the time we are in, instead of wanting to go forward or backwards in time? Wasting the time we’re in by trying to be in a different part of time. Spending time time travelling.

Is that called spending time wisely or is it wasting time? Is it not really spending time between time, on the travel?

Could that be cool too?

One cool thing about being older is that you can time travel faster. You know how it feels to be young. If you choose to. You can also choose to feel like an old fart. Both is valid.

But when you’re young it is hard to imagine how it is to be old.

Actually, maybe not. You can get all kind of glimpses how it is to be older from others around you. And the cool thing is if you get inspired by something cool, you can totally build your cool life.

Same thing actually when you are older. There the trap is that you might be inclined to take your inspiration from nostalgia. Which is wasting time trying to spend time in the same way you’ve done already, all over again.

Imagination is the key to spend time, inspired spending.

Not in a way everyone else spends it but the way YOU want to spend it.

Big piece of cake 🍰


Why not make a meal of it?

Usually there is a quick starter which is kissing. And then usually straight into the main course -intercourse- and then cigarette


I loove starters, they are my favourite part of a meal. Kissing is just the best and should not be mistreated as just to kick off the main meal.

The kiss is the most intimate of the human connection, I believe. It creates anticipation towards the main meal, sure, but a restaurant visit could also be a string of different starters instead of a main meal. And I adore the kiss. It can be truly magical, whereas sex that follows is 80% of the case disappointing. Which is a real downer. So far an exciting kiss has NEVER converted into equally exciting sex. LIKE NEVER.

That’s why I went on Tinder kissing dates for about one year and kissed 120 guys. It was the best ‘kissing’ dating time of my life. It was super interesting and so much fun, and I found some real Frog Princes.


Why not eat like the French:




Main course


Coffee & digestif


That’s the way to do it properly. To have an epic meal parameter

Sure, it is fun to be creative within. And to also skip courses

But not all the time skipping the same

It’s boring

If something feels different don’t start making assumptions.

Just roll with it and not think anything of it. Peace of mind.

Or if you want to think something and assume, because playing out scenarios is fun, is playing, assume in more than one way. And into opposite directions.

Peace of mind too.


When you manage to come full circle you realise that everything is everything and by having explored different option nothing particularly matters.

However, the only thing that matters is what you choose after having come full circle which then will be the perfect option for you.

It’s like this:

I love being with Jones. We have fun all the time. It would also be fun to live together. The potential problem with living together is that I believe I would have to make compromises all the time. Because although we are very similar in a lot of ways, hence we love, he does things slightly differently. Because he is similar but not the same. And those differences could get on my nerves eventually. And you make compromises. And then it’s no fun anymore. You are then not you anymore.

So I think I’d rather live separately and we could visit each other as much as we like and stay over at each other. But if we want to be ourselves, we can stay at ourselves. This I believe is the better option because it includes freedom of choice. I like that. More fun. It might mean though to pay double rent which in Amsterdam is a lot for that freedom. But then if our rents match our income then it doesn’t matter. What is the chance of that? Great or small ….? — — -calculating- — — could be small, so it would make more sense to move in together to get something epic …

I am weighing up (giving it value. to what? my time thinking about it?) the pros and cons according to what I believe.

This is kinda fun but often leads only to compromises.

And I don’t like them.

So how about I design/imagine a third option?

What about living somewhere I can be free to be myself, being with Jones, saving a lot of money AND live in an epic apartment in Amsterdam? Not apart but together?


I want that!

This is my wish!

And I believe it is possible.


Wishes are brilliant

It works like this:

  1. You formulate a wish i.e. being yourself and at the same time with someone you love, in a beautiful place.
  2. And by writing it down you are looking at it! It moved from the imagination into a mirror format to have a good look, maybe tweak it a bit to get it just right.
  3. And once you are clear about what you want, the experiences start pouring in. When they trigger you negatively and make you start doubting your wish could be reality, it’s a good thing. These triggers are there to test your belief. They could be small or big. Small I.e. you read in the real estate news that apartment rental prices are said to rise 10% in the coming year and there is a shortage for 3–4 bedroom places in the city. Big ie. you are suddenly being made redundant. Both scenarios test you according to your wish belief. So whenever you are asked ARE YOU SURE? You have to say YES, I AM SURE! .And when a WHAT ABOUT NOW? STILL SURE? comes, you answer YEP, STILL SURE!
  4. And if you had enough of the silly questions, you say ENOUGH, I GOT IT!
  5. And watch yourself literally stepping into your wish. But you don’t see it because it’s behind you, having materialised through all your confirmations of YES, I’M SURE. It’s like the surfer just about to be caught be the wave. I believe this is the most exciting part. Feeling that your wish is about to come true. Being it is fun, sure, but you also already know what is coming … so a little less fun. The surprise is the best part. I want to be surprised. Seeing what is in your present is less exciting than anticipating what’s in it.


I adore surprises. It’s the looking forward to that is fun. Like a kid before Christmas. Your heart is almost exploding with excitement. And anticipation. The presents themselves, once seen, usually lost their interest soon. Makes parents mad.

And the best part is when you anticipated something you really really want and you KNOW it is coming, but you leave space for an element of surprise… to be surprised that what you anticipated might even exceeded your best version of the wish … THEN YOU ARE IN THE BEST PLACE!!!


🍰This is what I want:

Exceeded + exceeding expectations

Past+future in the Present. Now.

Actually, I want to be a diamond miner. And somewhere warm. To see a rock and seeing a diamond inside. Recognising potential. Believing it. Only then would you start mining, right?The process of removing the rock to reveal the diamond, tests your belief. If you run into challenges, you only overcome them with absolute belief. Conviction.

Convict? Convicted?🤔 Meaning acquitted beyond the shadow of a doubt? is that the connection?

I hunt for gems everywhere. I find the most amazing clothes which are perfect for me in a pile of junk. It’s so much fun, the hunt for a gem. But not expecting but being surprised. When I go gem hunting on the market, I know that there are gems but I am not looking for anything in particular. Just browsing. Being lose. If I find something, amazing, if I don’t find something, I’ll come back some other day. And if I have to come back a couple more times before I find another real big gem, I know that during the inbetween time I will find some little gems too. Minor ones. The anticipation is lovely. And it’s also nice to hug from my market man Joseph and watch interesting bohemian fellow gem hunters.

If I ever stop finding major and minor gems, even mini-minor ones, I would start looking for a more lucrative mine. That’s what savvy diamond minors (lol) do. Luckily I know that Joseph is the greatest and most lucrative diamond mine, constantly exceeding my expectations.

That’s what I want. Unless there is a more spectacular mine out there … BUT I cannot imagine that. At the moment.

FEELING HAPPY is even more fun when you see that happiness reflected in someone else.


Like when someone cracks up laughing, it makes you crack up laughing too, just by looking at them. And when the other looks back at you and cracks up even more. And you both laugh more and more … feeding off each other.

That is so much fun!

It’s the best feeling.

I want more of that.



Freya von Bulow
Freya von Bulow

Written by Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator

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