Diary Entry: 18.05.2021
When you meet someone new, everything is so exciting.
Everything together.
Hanging out.
Just looking at each other.
Until someone suggests to watch Netflix together.
The beginning of the end.
The chill.
I noticed.
It sounds like a fun idea first.
Because everything you do together has big fun potential.
It gives a newness to everything.
The problem with Netflix is that it is the symbol of some sort of laziness.
Taking things for granted already.
And from there it’s only a matter of little time when sexy doesn’t happen daily anymore.
When you start sleeping separately.
Back to back.
Time to move on.
And now I’m aware of it.
TV separates lovers.
I don’t know what it is.
Probably the lack of interaction.
Not being creative together anymore.
Directly linked to the lack of sex.
Sure there can always be sex while watching, however, most of the time it distracts.
Some part of our Pavlov’s dog brain slobbers with the screen.
I’m not sure if that brain part is also the one who wants to be lazy.
Unimaginative by itself.
Sure, films can inspire but not when it comes to sex.
Not even film inspired by sex.
In fact, it’s the opposite for me.
If I’m with someone who suggests to watch porn together, I’m out the door.
It’s the pinnacle of laziness for me.
Fuck, let’s create our own epic movie, the one you actually would like to watch.
The one you have been waiting for to watch because everything else is boring and predictable.
TV kills dick.
That’s a fact.
And it’s happening.
I got a beautiful black male lying next to me.
And nothing is happening.
And nothing is happening.
This is not right.
Fair enough, I’ve been here a week now but still …
No, fuck, not fair enough.
If TV comes into the picture, I’m outta the picture.
That’s how it’s gonna be.
If you think you need to find some other entertainment besides me, it’s time to move on.
Good to know.
I’ve been itching to bounce since Sunday.
My suitcase is packed but it’s not clear where to bounce to next.
There are several options but I want to be invited.
I would like to stay in a little more luxurious surroundings.
I’m a bit tired of the dirt.
The dust.
The constant noise of the fan.
Of mixed fibres bedding.
I want clean white cotton sheets.
And quiet nights.
Except noises of fun sex.
Today is Tuesday.
I have the potential to bounce on Wednesday.
How do we get tired of things?
If they stop entertaining us?
If we stop being entertained?
That’s why we are looking for extra entertainment?
The next entertainment?
Definition of entertainment:
“the action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
Example: everyone just sits in front of the television for entertainment”
Ha, there it is.
Even in the official definition.
But entertainment is also
“the action of receiving a guest or guests and providing them with food and drink.”
Why am I feeling bored?
Because I am not entertained?
But I am.
Being received.
With food and drink.
But where is my other enjoyment?
My other amusement?
‘Being received’ is an interesting concept.
Someone receives you.
Sounds biblical.
Moses received the word of God.
On stone tablets.
How did that work again?
Did he receive the word and then had the tablets made?
He received and entertained the word of God.
And entertained having made stone tablets with them.
So Netflix receives us.
It receives our sole focus.
For a few hours what seems to be most evenings in most people’s lives.
It has become standard procedure.
Netflix & chill is already an ice cream flavour.
That says it all.
Next thing Netflix pizza?
Why not.
Too lazy to cook, so order in.
Too lazy to talk, so stuff your mouth with food.
Too lazy for sexercise, get fat.
I get bored easily.
I love new experiences.
I loathe complacency.
Is being received an addiction of mine?
I love both, to entertain and being entertained.
So maybe it’s me who’s not entertaining anymore?
Maybe entertaining me has become a chore and my opposite needs some rest.
From my reception.
And maybe I’m also a little tired to entertain.
Maybe that’s why I agreed to Netflix in the first place?
I could’ve always said “No, boo, let’s make love instead!”
Also, if neither one of us is up for entertaining, we can also always just chill.
Just be together.
Without phone.
Without Netflix.
And without stuffed crust.
I shall suggest that next time.
We don’t have to entertain.
Just receive each other.
Feed each other silence.
Also, be aware when the other one asks you “are you ok?”.
And if you can honestly say that you are, it means that they are not.
They are just asking to deflect.
Because they are the ones who want to be asked.
But would always answer “I’m ok.”
Like you just did.
Ha, ok so you agree to watch Netflix.
It’s kinda fun doing that in bed.
Once in a while.
Just don’t make it a habit!
Ha, you ever been in a situation where you end up watching and he’s on his phone playing candy crush/
Notice, the TV is just so YOU are entertained.
And to keep up the pretence of doing something ‘together’.
Ha, why didn’t you say you needed time by yourself?
That’s what couples start lacking.
Time apart.
Which is needed when mostly close together.
Then why not read a book?
Separately together?
Dive into other worlds.
And I guess Netflixen means diving into the same world.
So all is valid.
I shouldn’t get so hung up about it.
But I’m still not amused.
Shall I initiate sex?
The next Ben & Jerry’s is miles away.
And it’s 4.25am
The alarm bird outside should be starting soon …
He smells so nice.
I decided I want to wake him up like I want to be woken up.
To make love to him the way I want to be made love to.
To entertain myself.
And I did.
It was delicious.