Freya von Bulow
4 min readMar 16, 2021



Why is it that wood pigeons always look healthy?

They are always plump.

They never have wretched feet.

Compared to normal pigeons.

However, they live in the same city.

How come?

They don’t roll in masses like city pigeons.

City pigeons are scavengers.

And they often dwell in groups.

Wood pigeons don’t.

They pair.

Is that why they look so healthy?

Are they more selective with partners and their food?

Or are they a different kind of animal altogether?

I wonder.

Maybe I should be more selective with my food.

The last month I’ve either not eaten at all or consumed a heady mix of sugar and carbs.

I thought I was over this.

And I shall be again.

I guess I’ve been living intense.

On a high of Adrenalin preparing for my trip to Ghana and then crashing because my first attempt to fly didn’t happen.

But the day has finally arrived and Amsterdam is so calm.

I’m so nervous.

Not for any particular reason really.

Erm, that’s not true.

I’m not nervous about going there.

At all.

I’m excited about new experiences.

Meeting new people.

Experiencing new energies.

Exploring a different way of living.

Which might not be so different after all.

I’ve never really done Africa.

And there are people waiting for me.

Another family.

Sure, I presume that we will all get along beautifully.

A romantic presumption I know.

The cool thing with family is that you gather an array of rare individuals over the years who constitute your family.

Friends you feel close to.

People you can 💯% rely on when you need their love and support.

And they in return can rely on you.

Mutual reliability.

That’s what family is about.

A tribe you get born into or a tribe you collect over a lifetime.

And no social or geographical distancing can change that.

You’ll always feel close even if apart.

You don’t have to be in their face all the time.

So I’m looking forward to extending my network of tribesmen and women.

I wonder what dating is like in Ghana?

What are the differences?

How do dating men and women operate there?

How do they dance?

I shall observe and learn.

The dance.

God, the biggest thing I’m looking forward to is music.

And dancing again.

Other than in my room with music blaring from a poxy speaker.

On second thought, I should take it with me.

Just in case.

You never know.

Do we ever know anything?

We can prepare as much as we want but ultimately we never know.

And even in worst case scenarios we always are ok.


The worst thing would be death and that is almost never the case.

So why not chill?

Why not do the bare minimum and see what happens?

Leave space for surprising moments to happen.

People surprisingly stepping up to offer support when necessary

Miraculously being led out of a tight spot?These are the moments you will cherish forever.

They will become beautiful memories.

Stories to entertain at parties with.

The ones your grandchildren tell their grandchildren.

The stuff of legends.

If everything goes smoothly and according to plan, no epic stories to tell.


Pleasant but dull moments going unnoticed.

Always playing it save doesn’t make good storytelling.

Not inspiring by playing it safe.


I like being out of my comfort zone.

It’s a reset.

I’ve previously jumped from Hamburg.

To London.

To Amsterdam.

Now Ghana.

Just when the previous felt too comfortable.

Only with one suitcase.

I love it.

Starting new.

Going without baggage other than my mind bullshit.

But can’t help that one.

Curiously, one cannot escape oneself.

So deal.

And try to assess and shed along the way.

By jumping into new and different scenarios, I am forced to examine my head frequently.

To check how I perceive things.

Making comparisons.

Absorbing new ways to live.

To breathe.

To move.

To play.

Explore new favourite food.

New rules.

New favourite places to shop.

New favourite people to be with.

Unravel old habits and learn new tricks.

Young dog.

At the airport now.

I thought I won’t relax until I’m in my plane seat and we have lift off.

But I’m relaxed now.

I anticipate the liftoff feeling so much.

So glad I only have small hand luggage.

No stuff.

Standard procedure.

I know that there will be growing-into pains.

And most probably moments of intense hassle.

But only if I want to apply my northern Western way of doing things here.

I’m prepared to unlearn to stress about things needing to happen instantly.

I believe time is different on the black continent.

My plan is to practice to be in the moment.

Then time doesn’t matter.

Then time will only consist of now moments.

I really hope I’ll manage to travel.

To also see the north of Ghana.

Apparently time stands still there.

I wonder how that feels.

Can’t wait to feel.

The dance.


Lol, our pilot is called Jan-Joost van Hemel.

The flight could go both ways.



Freya von Bulow
Freya von Bulow

Written by Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator

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