Freya von Bulow
8 min readDec 25, 2020



It is Christmas and a special time of year.

The songs tell us so.

We can wish for whatever we want, right?

Are we wishing?

What are we wishing for?

Do we know how to wish efficiently?

In spiritual circles wishes are called INTENTIONS.

In business and sport wishes are called GOALS.

On New Years Eve wishes are called RESOLUTIONS.

All of those are powerful stuff.

To KNOW what we want can BRING what we want.

So what do we wish for?

  1. Stuff WE DON’T UNDERSTAND like Ioved and happiness
  2. Stuff WE DON’T NEED like a flashy car or a house or other materials.

And that’s ok.

We can wish for whatever we want but the trick with wishes is you have to be specific.

And know your shit!

To see.


My beautiful beautiful wifey told me something really cool the other day about something she does.

Every year she writes a list of things she wants and wants to happen in the coming year.

On a piece of paper.

Old school.

She writes it over Christmas when she is all relaxed and happy and Christmas-glowy.

And then she puts her wish list in the box of tree decorations which is put away after the holidays. And forgotten over the year.

And the following year when the decorations come out again, she reads her old wish list and checks which of the wishes have come true.

Apparently it’s around 95%.

I think it is such a cool thing to do.

A beautiful combination called INTENTION and STOCK TAKING.

Do we take stock?

Are we not always running ahead, tightly focussed on the things we think we don’t possess or haven’t accomplished yet? Obsessively?

If we don’t take stock of our inventory, how do we know what we already have and and what we need to wish for the next year, efficiently?

How do we know we don’t already have a lot more than we thought we had. Stuff which might just need fine tuning? Tweaked instead of re-ordered?

Saving a shit load of money?

A tin of pineapple slices in syrup can be awesome when you crave something sweet in an empty house or when you want to impress a dinner date with Toast Hawaii.

But would you need a shed full of them ( tinned pineapple, I mean. A shedload of dinner dates is a different matter and shall be elaborated upon at a later date)

Why not wish also for a can of peaches? 😉


Every person who has a shop and sells stuff does regular inventory.

It is vital for the success of their business.

To know exactly what you have IN STOCK.

And to have a basic PLAN.

And based on that, ACT strategically.

Our LIFE is our BUSINESS, first and foremost. It’s the company we run.

When we regularly check what’s in stock and kinda know a direction we want to go, we can make specific actions accordingly.

Let’s say you have an awesome jumper shop. And it’s summer. You are doing inventory on how many cotton and linen jumpers you have. (TAKING STOCK)

And you anticipate that autumn and winter is coming. (LOOKING AHEAD)

So, it would make sense to do a sale on cotton and linen jumpers now, right?To make way for autumn/winter jumpers.

Which you have already ordered back in February.

You made the PURCHASE already because YOU LOOKED AHEAD in Feb with the intention to start selling autumn/winter jumpers at the beginning of September.

If you hadn’t taken stock, looked ahead and intended in already in February, you wouldn’t have known what to order, right?

You wouldn’t have acted strategically.


There is magic in there, I think.

Have you noticed that when you are in summer, you cannot fathom winter?

And when in winter it is impossible to think of how summer feels?

So, thinking 6 months ahead about where you wanna be is a clever move.

Or 3 months if you want to produce faster. (Fast Fashion)

In order to run a successful (clothing) business, you have to be a little smart because if you are not, you pay.

How much?

It can cost you your business. And it can be a real struggle to keep being on top of your game.

It’s the same thing with a successful LIFE BUSINESS.

If you

  1. Don’t look ahead where you wanna be and what you wanna do
  2. Don’t take stock of what you have and
  3. Don’t act strategically

You pay.

How much? It could cost you your Life Business.

It could/or does cost you your life i.e. Wellbeing.

And it can be really hard work to keep on being on top of your game.

Nobody wants that but most of us are struggling with their life business. ya know exactly what I’m taking about.

You can feel it as I speak …

Working your business is necessary.

It’s your business and you want to make it a smashing success.

Struggling is not necessary though.

If you PLAY. It!

And understand. It!

Back to the jumper shop.

It is February and you know that after summer it will be autumn.

Everyone knows that.

But what does it mean?

Autumn is just a word …

But it means

  • colder weather
  • People want to feel warm and cosy
  • People will be more indoors
  • Nature changes colour
  • Less daylight
  • Soup and pies
  • Leaves and walks
  • Life slowing down a bit
  • Hibernation ( cool brand name Hyber Nation)

So your jumper stock will have to reflect that with softer warmer materials and warmer softer colours. Jumpers which feel like hugs. Jumpers to hibernate in.

It’s not rocket science.

Meaning not hard.

The awesome thing with LIFE BUSINESS is that you can totally play.

Strategically play.

Ok. Let’s say you have on your WISH LIST:

“By June 2021 you want a cool new job with a €80 salary.”

Just writing it like this doesn’t work unless you work hard to make it happen.

But remember, we want to not work hard, but play.

So ask yourself:

What would it mean to me to have by June 2021 a cool new job with a €80 salary?

What would it mean to me on a day to day, even minute to minute basis?

How would I walk if I already had this job? How would it feel, knowing I had?

What would I do, knowing I had?

How would I smile, knowingly?

How would I hug someone, knowingly?

How would I fart, knowing I already had the job?

How would I eat my musli?

How would I eat my bogeys, knowingly?



RIGHT NOW how would it feel knowing that I won the lottery yesterday?

RIGHT NOW how would it feel knowing that I am about to win the lottery?

Is there a feeling difference? What is it?

Obviously it would be an epic feeling!!!

Can I define the feeling?

Defining means understanding.

How about defining it in tastes?

Does it taste like pineapple and peanut vanilla?

How about defining it in tastes and textures?

Does it taste of flokati and chocolate salami windows?

If you can define it, you will know it.

Know your business!

And if you do that in a playful way by asking lots of questions, your wish list will read somewhat differently, right?

Then the €80k job will be the FEELING you have when you KNOW you already got it.

And ask: ok, if I had a job which gave me the very same feelings and which ‘only’ paid €60k, would I want it?

If the answer is NO, then fuck off back to the DEFINING MOODBOARD. You are not quite clear of your want in terms of how it makes you feel.

If the answer is YES you are on the right track.

The salary number you wrote down is just a permission number to make yourself conjure up feelings of a certain kind.

Which is important.

€10K doesn’t do the trick.

At least for me.

But hey, for someone who only earns €1 a day, it totally would, right?

It’s all about how much that number exites you.

Billionaires get excited about trillions.

That’s why there will be Trillionaires next because excited people make things happen.

People who play.

And who know their shit and that the shit works. For them. That’s why they don’t work according to the amount money they make …

And they don’t need all that money to live.

They play.

They are in the Business of Stocktaking and Planning and strategic Action Game.

Nothing else.

Oil, real estate, commodities etc. are all just TOKENS to play with.

You could give them fish scales and they would do the same.

The key is to know that once you have these feelings of excitement , it is about THEM and nothing else.

Not the numbers.

So looking at my own list …

One of the items have been, for years now, for my daughter to move to Amsterdam. To have her close because I feel it will benefit her.

But it’s not enough …

Why do I want it?

How do I want it to make me FEEL?

I want it because it will make me feel at ease because I worry about her.

That’s not fucking good enough. What about her feelings? She might not like Amsterdam as much as I do … she might be unhappy away from her friends. And that obviously make me unhappy. And stressed. And feeling guilty and responsible. Bloody awful it would make me feel. Worse than now.

So how can I define this better?

I want to feel happy that she is happy WHEREVER she lives and whatever she does. And feeling lovingly close to her WHEREVER she lives.

Ahhhhh, much better.

It’s how it makes me feel is what I want.

It’s not the specifics I think it means.

Meaning it could be Amsterdam.

But it could also be Mars.

Doesn’t matter.

Ok Mars seems far away (that’s why I chose the analogy) but her being in Amsterdam could also feel like her being on Mars … If we never saw each other, she might as well be.

Same thing.

But if it WAS Amsterdam, it would be totally awesome, but only if it makes me happy because she is happy.


  • in an epiphanic way

(Note: I will add to my 2021 wish list that I also want to shout BINGO on numerous occasions because NOW I know how it feels .. I just felt it!)

If I want to be taken seriously, I have to not take myself so seriously.

(Cue Sean)

Betcha by golly wow

(Another Bingo! Thanks 🙏🏽 )



Freya von Bulow
Freya von Bulow

Written by Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator

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