Freya von Bulow
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


Image found on Pinterest


I feel I’m being challenged to a game of chicken.

Challenge accepted.

I shall also play

Truth or Dare

When I can think of a fun dare.

Watch out!

I’ll be time travelling soon.

Destination: Ghana Summer 1977

To connect to my dad.

To talk to him.

To make sense of some things.

My uncle advised me the other day that I might not be finding what I’m looking for. Why did he say that?

I trust him, however.

Not sure if he knows why he said it but it felt liked a good idea at the time.

I have these sometimes too. Ideas which seem to be good at the time.

For no particular reason.

Then I say them.

To whomever I’m with.

And it doesn’t matter if they are or not.


At the time they seem perfect.

A premonition?


I now utter them when they come.


They are not precious.

Just a correct puzzle piece pointed out.

Take it or leave it.

(Jones kept on saying that to me when I ended it)

I don’t mind.

As I said they pop up so there are plenty more where they gone from.

On my walk yesterday with the other Jones, I came past a Free Book stall.

This one also had a couple of games.

One in particular caught my eye and I picked it up. I thought it funny to go to hers and play that instead of our original plan of Yahtzee. It seemed like a brilliant idea, however, she didn’t confirm that. Which I thought strange and for a split second I felt rejected, but then I thought fair enough since all afternoon we’ve been walking around springy Amsterdam and I’ve been what felt like downloading my Amsterdam legacy to her. All my insights. She must feel slightly overwhelmed, processing.

Maybe it wasn’t necessary. Maybe she didn’t need it but I did. To make myself aware of my appreciation for this city.

So when we came to the Concertgebouw, she said goodbye. And I said ok. We hugged and she headed west. I continued with my game which was called ‘Pick-up’ down Lairessestraat which looked like a path of gold.

And I had a hunch that I never really said goodbye to my kiddies.

And I have never given them a present. And they love games.

So I rang the door.

They were all in.

And all looked like little white plants.

The kids were happy to see me.

I asked them whether they’d been out.

All had been but the dad.

How strange since this has been a glorious day.

We chatted, we played the game which is duper simple really and all about balance. And daring to try things out and see what happens.

I shared my advice about ‘planning first’ and not waiting.

About getting everything in line theoretically so that when the moment comes you don’t scramble making decisions (like everybody else) but just press GO!

To download the program which is already written.

By you.



Like the email to deBeers about my vision for them becoming the world’s first sustainable diamond mining company.

Ending the conversation with

“How about it?”

(The Boat That Rocked)

I thought it was a brilliant idea. Being flown out to the mines with the CEO (in CEO style) and making 3 or 5 top of the head suggestions of improvement tweaks. That’s it.


Earlier we were talking about S.’s potential dream job and what it would have to be in order to be the dream.

Playful and Sustainable.

Because money makes itself.

All we have to do is come up with a fun idea. A channel for it to run through. One which is charged with our personal excitement. Our mark. It doesn’t matter what the product is. The product is just the vehicle. If it tickles you and there is just one other person who is tickled too (proof of concept) and who thinks it’s a good idea, you have a tickle fest!

Then come up with a money number, any number which also tickles you, in order to initiate the download.

Your fee for the vision you created.

Your price tag for the potential.

And then sit back and lol.

All the way to the bank. Or the park for a picnic.


Absolutely nothing else has to be done.

There will be others who will flesh it out because they love fleshing things out. Why deprive them of the pleasure to do what they can do best?

Those lovely backend guys.

They are excited now.

Dream brief.

They are already poppin’ tins of Dr. Pepper.

I can’t drink that stuff.

I tried.

But I don’t have to.

I’ll be poppin’ Vodka Martinis.

After I said goodbye to the kids ( they will come and visit) I headed back home along Apollolaan. And L FT me so I decided to sit in the steps of the Hilton because they have good light. And then it thought a good idea to go in since I never been and ask whether I could conduct my phone call in there since it was completely empty. I thought it was a good idea but they disagreed.

Fair enough.

So I sat on the steps.

Original good idea.

And I told her about my upcoming trip. She thought it was hilarious.

She’s excited and wants to visit.

I’m excited at the prospect of all my fave people visiting.

I shared the PLANING AND GO concept and said that I’m her personal consultant for life and to just ask if she needs anything but unless she asks I will presume that she is good and happy.

And vice versa.

I will do the same.

I had the tickle to call Jones and ask him to come out for a smoke but then remembered that I didn’t have his number, and anyhow it will be so much more fun to email H a photo of Chapel Hill.

Or the view from.

Even funnier.

I will also go to the hotel her and her husband used to frequent, and mention the name.

See if someone remembers.

And take a photo.

That would be awesome.

A voice recording?

Wow, totally

Lol, I seem to have completely hacked my Pinterest algorithms. The suggested pictures are so random now and also repetitive and uninspiring.


So while looking for new things and getting bored, I started hacking everything I come across I don’t like, including suggestions to get rid of cellulite, arm fat and muffin tops plus stupid ads… by marking them as ‘Hide’ and ‘This is not a language I understand’ while laughing my head off.

See what happens.

See how clever you are.

I am exercising my power now.

Beauty lies in juxtaposition

When we stop compartmentalising ourselves but embrace all, we can have it all.

Het Amsterdamse Lieverdje



Freya von Bulow
Freya von Bulow

Written by Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator

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