Theme: F88K THAT

Freya von Bulow
4 min readFeb 14, 2021


Image: AL_2_Rowell_00281 on Pinterest from Flickr


We’re looking at two different things but we don’t realise that they are just different cheeks of the same butt.

By looking at them separately,

separating them,

we leave ourselves wide open

to get fu88ed.


And nobody is to blame.

There is no system.

It’s called soliciting.

A friend and I gave each other inspired advice.

It was exactly what we needed.

And it helped us enormously.

To grow.

Win win

And nothing other than that was exchanged.

Is that the future of sex?

I just realised that it seems I have perceived sex as some sort of payment.

A payment I had to do in order to be worthy.

That’s really shit.

Worthy of shit.

I can imagine that a lot of women feel like that.

We feel we have to pay with our pleasure for something we believe we owe.

The truth is that nobody owes anybody anything, but we do give ourselves away.

For free.

Being basically an unpaid Sex Therapist

  1. A sex therapist who pays instead of getting paid. pay=not pay
  2. A sex therapist who’s not getting paid. And on top of that pays. -pay+(-pay)

(Big difference in perception between both sentences)

1. is equal to

2. is double minus

Latter hits you harder.

It’s a slap in the face.

Not equal pay but being taken for a ride.



And I thought all the while I was accumulating worth?


Why would someone tolerate this?

Suffer it?

The interesting thing with old Getty imagery is that unless that image has the name of the photographer attached to it there is no copyright. Unless the person who originated that image got paid adequately by Getty or even better, is still receiving royalties, there is no copyright, right?

I presume Getty Images simply found them, saw the opportunity for exploitation, so grabbed them and put their name (branding) on it in order to claim and hold everyone else hostage with imagery.

Image slavery.

Well, f88k that.

They don’t own those images in the first place.

It’s like being in Texas ‘finding’ cattle and just putting your own brand on it. They still don’t belong to you.

So that makes you a cup of tea (ha, cattle thief).

And you know the Texan Law.

For some reason we have this thing called finders keepers but it still doesn’t make you the owner.

But everyone is letting them get away with it because they just put their big fat powerful name on it so everyone is scared and they can charge money.

And nobody is to blame.

But ourselves for turning a blind eye.

Making ourselves an accessory to slavery as well as the slave.

Open to abuse.

To get fu88ed.


In the same ass.


Funny how people get away with shit.

Because they don’t seem to pose a threat.

If you think what Court jesters would get away with by talking to the king in such an outrageous manner nobody else would be able to. Being of entertainment value but also for cheeky advice to the king would make him trust worthy. Trusted to tell the truth in the jokes.


For being deformed.


Being both entertaining and truthful is the key.

Simply being truthful is boring and of little (perceived) value.

The funny thing is we don’t believe that we own the truth.

We are completely confused because there seem to be so many different truths out there.

But what happens is if you don’t think you know the truth someone will think it for you.

And they will package it nicely, brand it well and fu88ing sell it back to you.

It’s genius.

Seeing an infinite resource and taking the opportunity to generate wealth.

Totally brilliant.

And why not?

Nobody is to blame but yourself.

For buying back you own truth.

Not at cost price but with a massive mark up.

Freedom can only be stolen if you believe it is separable from you.


If all the women sitting in on board meetings as secretaries would take the information they hear and use it for themselves, they will stop having secretary salaries.


I love memes. Shall make loads


Stop wasting money on plastic bags in the stores.

You think buying a plastic bag to carry your shopping home is not such a big deal.

But it is.

The biggest.

I signifies that you are prepared to buy something cheap at a 1000% mark up.

Money stays away because it fears to be wasted by you.

There you go

Open to be fu88ed.

By poverty.

Happy Valentine’s.


It is not smart to pay for YouTube to avoid the ads when you’re creating / have created content.

F88k that

JONES (Nachwort)

As I explained yesterday, I was ready to meet Jones.

To face my worst fear.

I was ready to loose two of my most valued possessions: friends and self-respect by potentially getting back with him.

To voluntarily bend over and being fucked.

Instead I gained my freedom.

Without him.



Even when you use a free service, you pay.

By agreeing to their terms and conditions, you relinquish something.

Your personal data.

What looks like nothing, can cost you eventually.

Or not.

But it has the potential to.

F88k you.

Think how often you have pressed “accept” and not even used the service.

Paid and not received shit.


It’s a win win for one.

Mostly the other.


Nobody on dating apps wants to be told “let’s just be friends” but they want to feel it.


Without concession.



Freya von Bulow
Freya von Bulow

Written by Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator

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