Freya von Bulow
4 min readMar 19, 2021



Need is artificially created.

And commercially explored.

(Exploited is such a harsh word)

Ever new experiences created.

To make the human experience diverse.

And exciting.

Fundamentally, human beings only need basics.



Love/sense of belonging

And something to do.

And these can be interpreted in as many ways as there are human beings.

And infinitely more in all their facets.

Literally, everything is available.

To choose from.

Infinite choices.

With so many choices available, making choices becomes our responsibility.

Our freedom.

To choose.

Who and where and what we want to be.

Sole responsibility.

For ourselves.

However, sometimes it can feel like too much freedom.

Hence we need to be inspired.

By the big toy store that we perceive as ‘The World’.

And claim /point to whatever it is we want.

For ourselves.


Freedom of choice is a fundamental need too.

There are scenarios where we make random choices.

There are scenarios we have choices made for us.

That’s also a choice.

Making choices with a destination in mind is purposeful.

A destination which excites us.

Then choices become easy because they align with our destination.

Opportunities come along accordingly and choices are no-brainers then.

Because they smell like your destination.

You will recognise them.

They will become second nature.

Without destination, we don’t recognise.

We get distracted.

And walk this way and that.

Also a choice.

And cool too.

All is valid.

Things also fall into place.

In a way.

The right way.

For that particular path.

For that particular life.

However, establishing a destination makes you more relaxed.

You know it’s coming.

You want it.

So no need to stress.

Or feel out of control.

And if the destination ends up not what you think it would be, change it.

Set another one.

No need to stay.

Change direction.

Pivot they call it.

Fancy word.

It so happens that sometimes we’ve gone down a certain path which doesn’t feel good anymore because the experience has finished its purpose for growth.

And we stay.

Because we don’t believe we can set the course to somewhere else.

We give away our choice.

To change course.

Being aware makes all the difference.

No need to complain.


To everyone around us.

We are exactly where we believe we should be.

That knowledge is freedom.

Do you want to stay there?

Or navigate something else?

Make up your mind.

Stay in that one mind for a while.

And see what happens.

Being aware of distractions.

No need to take them on.

Or do.

Your choice.

We are not bound by anything unless by choice.

I’m sure I’ve already mentioned this several times.

I have to keep on reminding myself frequently.

Because Iforget.

Get distracted by worries and insecurities.

Looking around and comparing myself to others.

Other paths.

Other lives.

Thinking that my life should be similar.

But what’s the fun in that?

Simply replicating?

Taking inspiration and customising.

They always say to read autobiographies.

Of people we admire.

And sometimes there are moments in there you can relate.

Human moments.

But I always find that the timelines in which things happen in famous lives are too polished.

To make sense to the outside eye.

Everything seems to fit.

Sleekly falling into each other.

And struggle is glossed over.

As a means to an end.

However, when you are in the midst of struggle, the end is far from your view.

You don’t appreciate the means because you don’t see the end.

Unless you create a vision.

An artificial end.

A deep desire.

Or want.

To hold onto for dear life when you feel like drowning.

It’s those moments of struggle and how to get out of it which matter.

The accomplishments themselves are just the outcome of the moments you held on.

The doubt overcome by your own delusion.

Kanye West was just pronounces the Richest Black American in the history of Black Americans.

That’s something.

Apparently not for his music but for his sneaker label.

An achievement.

And he made an announcement prior that he will be a Billionaire.

Once you make such a public announcement, there is no way you can back out of it.

He set himself in a path of no return.

A powerful motivator indeed.

He looks nuts from the outside.

However, the man is on track.

I wonder how his day looks like?

And all 365 of them in a year?

Is it so very different from everyone’s in essence?

I need to remember to work on my Life Marketing Plan.

To revisit my goals_destinations and update or make new ones.

And set definite dates.

To keep on the path.

I’ve been in Ghana for 5 days now and suddenly I have to sign in all of my platforms again … Google has suddenly cottoned on.



Freya von Bulow
Freya von Bulow

Written by Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator

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