Freya von Bulow
4 min readFeb 5, 2021




Question: What do I prefer?

Creating new concepts (design) and proof of concept?

Or living concepts and thereby consolidating proof of concept?

Design Experience? or Life Experience?

UI-nterface or UX-perience?

Backend or Frontend?

Good question.

Not sure.

Experience sounds more fun.

Frontend it is then.

But I also like to come up with new concepts.

Maybe both is possible?

I want to be both then, please.


If you have shoulder pain, find some loosening movements which feel really good.

Do them and imagine you are getting a massage from the best physiotherapist who knows exactly what you need because it feels good.

Almost spooky how he knows.

And he’s handsome too.

Happy ending?

You decide.


Happily Ever After …

That was the deal.

But we made a mistake:

It should’ve been

Many Happy Endings …

Sorry for the confusion.

Oh shit!

I just had an emoji flash …

Could L be pregnant?

But there is as a strange thing… something unexpected came up.

Something which could make sense and be true, it can be tied to events. Easily. However, this truth would be horrendous. And I don’t want it. I want my truth. The one where all is whole and loving and nurturing and inspired. And sunny.

Thanks 🙏🏽


I’ve just been launching an epic Rocket Brief. I am feeling nervous and restless. I am excited to be moving forward but also slightly scared of leaving the present.

I recognise the feeling …

It’s the LIMBO.

Feeling suspended.

This is when most people start to panic.

They are having doubts about their briefs because wishes are unfamiliar territory.

But hey, it’s just the feeling you get when you pass from one reality into the next.


Flu Powder.

So, why don’t I not chill the fuck out about it?


It’s all coming!

I’m coming.


SURPRISE and DISAPPOINTMENT are opposites of the same spectrum.

Inhaling = surprise

Exhaling = disappointment

Voice sound up? = surprise

Voice sound down! = disappointment

The same, reflected.

Mirrored. But same.


Treat disappointment with surprise

and surprise with disappointment …

and see what happens 🎋


I should have several accounts on which I only have one captivating short film, each with what I envision for the company I would like to collaborate with.

The look. The feel. My look. My feel.

Each company will get their own unique link.

With THEIR name at the end of the clip.

I believe it’s a brilliant idea!


“The Funniest and Most Sophisticated Dating Game alive!”

GCW Magazine

“This game has created more perfectly matching couplings with both “Happy Endings” and “Happily Ever Afters” than all the dating platforms, together.


⭐️⭐️⭐️ Tindr

⭐️⭐️ Bmbl

⭐️ Happen

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brdee (thanks guys)

Are you game?

“What’s this?” (strikethrough) (Copyright: Freya von Bulow 2021)

You can play it any time.

You play it any place.

Brilliant fun by yourself.

Brilliant fun with a partner.

The rules are simple:

You point at an(y) object and ask “What’s this?”

Then you (or your partner) pretend not to know and answer:

“I don’t know!”

Then you ask again, pointing at another object “And what’s that?”

And you (or your partner) answer the same “I don’t know!”

Pretend you are an Extra-terrestrial who just arrived on Earth without any clue of what is all this stuff and asking questions …)

Take turns to try to make each other laugh.

BEWARE: Many before you have failed the


Our condolences.

Trust us.

You and/or your partner will both be in stitches soon.

Stitched in.


You’re welcome.

(Description needs fine tuning, L. didn’t understand when I explained it — we need to play it for her to understand)


Had a call with my dear friend K.

Funny how she pointed out my father-alcoholic-partner pattern … so true!

I forgot about that.

ENOUGH of this cycle.

I can let go of it now.

Instead focus on the new brief:

“Someone who I want but not need and someone who wants me but doesn’t need me.”

Enough of Neediness

Thank you.

Start Mutual Empowerment and Support Phase

Team is working on it already.


Check Sticky Tube (new platforms …)

Photo documenting pioneer

He did a diary with images. Long before Instagram.

He changed the concept of being ‘an artist’

“What was revolutionary about The Factory was that it brought creative minds together and allowed them to collaboratively produce art;

art, which has an impact on the world to this day. People were working together by following Andy Warhol’s instructions.”

He was a brand.


How would I want to live?

Permanent hotel or Air BnB?

Both, here and there …

Would be fun.

I still want to do NY.

Note: Keep the thought in the pipeline.

Pls send reminder to jump at the right moment.


Places to go in London on a date:

Aperitif at Madison Roof Bar overlooking St. Paul’s Cathedral

Visit Henry 8th wine cellar underneath Ministry of Defence

Drive up to the Savoy Hotel because you can show off by driving on the right side of the street there

Dorchester Hotel Restaurant for dinner

Lanesborough Royal Suite with Butler and complementary Rolls

Extra: Visit an ‘Iceberg Home’ which goes down down down for inspiration



Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator