Projecting into the future creates.
If these projections are laced with possibility rather than fear, one can build and customise one’s life.
With possibilities.
Take other people’s lives as inspiration.
See the similarities and create your own custom version.
Everything is available to you.
All take, no give.
All have. Without sacrifice.
Anything you wish for is possible.
tax free
Sometimes I look at persons around me and see the similarities of our lives.
It really strikes me. And then I also see the differences and think
“How is that even possible their life panned out like that, considering we are so similar?”
Sometimes I cannot imagine how they do things, especially when it comes to money and wealth, since they often seem completely hapless in a lot of aspects in their lives.
Like children, and I cannot imagine how they make it happen.
Child Play
So I presume that there is something they can do that I cannot.
Some edge over me they have.
Because I believe what needs to be done to get there is hard.
And I don’t want hard so I leave it at that. Still baffled by their childlikeness in complete juxtaposition to what I believe it takes. But I don’t want to give what they seem to give. I am not prepared to sacrifice what they seem to sacrifice. From my point of view. It doesn’t make any sense.
But what if my view point is wrong?
Maybe I am supposed to be shown that it is totally easy and not hard at all what they accomplish.
That even a child can do it. Lol.
Now it makes complete sense.
Children don’t sacrifice. But as adults we make compromises. And choices. Are choices the same as compromises?
Because everything is a choice. No compromise without having made a choice.
I realised that others just show me what is — and that it is — possible and all I have to do is claim it for myself, the part I like. About them.
I don’t need to know how it is done, because they are them and I am me.
Sure, I could investigate closely and copy and also get there … or simply KNOW that I can BE THERE, however, on the terms I dictate.
My terms.
I see and define the WHAT, however, the journey will be custom made to my preference, highly individual.
Fun and playful.
And easy going.
Like me.
My individuality uniquely expressed.
If someone has taken 18 years to obtain a certain salary, it could take me a year or less if I want it to.
I just have to state/declare/claim it. With a year deadline.
I know the same way I can also observe challenges of others and decide if I want to experience the same.
Or similar but different.
Do I ever want to have to go into hospital?
If it is something I fear, the experience will come. It has to.
But I can customise, right?
So if I need the experience of going into hospital, at some point, I want it to be a fun and playful experience.
One that has minimum intrusion but maximum impact to my wellbeing and happiness with valuable lessons learnt. About myself. And a sexy, flirtatious and highly competent male doctor. lol
Maybe I should get my shoulder checked out again.
That would be fun.
At the moment everyone is just talking about ONE THING: C o v i d
Occasionally, I catch myself doing the same…
What were we talking about before?
Can we remember?
I think it is time we remembered … the good stuff worth talking about.
Were we talking about good stuff before? What was it?
Could Covid be good stuff?
But I am getting bored of it. It and talking about it.
All recycled words, over and over and over again.
With no meaning.
We are throwing just disjointed pieces of information around trying to make some sort of sense, trying to find meaning in all of this. Trying to get to some sort of picture.
Without success.
It’s like a puzzle where all the pieces look the same.
All the words/pieces are the same, so we are just waiting for more pieces of information to add in order to make sense. To make us glimpse the bigger picture.
How long before we realise that we need to look at other pieces which could also fit into the puzzle picture.
The pieces which look different but could also be part of it all.
Maybe they are still in the box.