Freya von Bulow
4 min readNov 25, 2020


I dreamt I borrowed an awesome motorcycle to ride to Cologne to attend a funeral. It was scary and exciting. I checked the map and planned to stay in a hotel. I was going through the trip in my mind and was kinda looking forward to it. There was obviously the underlying fear of taking on such an undertaking since I have never ridden a motorbike in my life but I was determined to do it. Until stuff got in the way and in the end it was getting dark and I realised I forgot to sort out a helmet and I could actually get a lift. That’s what happens to dreams …

You start with a cool idea and the best of intentions, however, if you are not absolutely sure, you get distracted. The doubts and fear come up with crutches to help you opt out. To be able to make excuses without loosing face.

But the thing with dreams is that you can make anything happen.

It didn’t have to be autumn and dark early … in my dream …

I could’ve found the perfect helmet in the house where I was … in my dream …

I didn’t have to have a crazy amount of luggage to take … in my dream …

It could’ve been a very important funeral of a person I loved … in my dream … a fellow motorcycle nut …

I could’ve joined a group of Hell’s Angels on the way for protection and made friends … in my dream …

I could’ve stumbled across the most beautiful little country hotel … in my dream …

But my subconscious did not create those scenarios. The underlying worries of haven bitten off more than I can chew was keeping me from feeling the exhilaration of acceleration.

Which is a shame. But fascinating because my consciousness just now created those scenarios. With a little imagination.

Where was it in my sub-conscience? When I needed it in my dream?

Well to be fair, it was there at the awesome kickoff. The idea of riding a sick motorcycle to a funeral in Cologne was pretty cool. If I had been pragmatic in my dream I would’ve planned time to practice and getting familiar with the machine, made a list of things to take, sorted out a helmet, booked a hotel, planned my route (well, I did have a look at some fold out map in a different language) but I didn’t act pragmatic enough, it was there rudimentary but I did not take precise action in order to 💯 % make it happen and to overcome the fear with planned action.

I noticed that in myself before. I get enormously excited about an idea and I flow with the excitement and then I come to a fork in the road: to attack any fears about it head on by looking ahead at the goal and planning the steps in order to anticipate potential trouble.


But instead I don’t like to look at it closely precisely because of the fear that by looking ahead I might find insurmountable trouble which force me to abandon the dream.

However, not looking and just flowing with could also be a good way to make it happen too because the excitement buzz will make it so. Staying firmly excited about the goal makes worries dissipate.

The key is keeping worry and fear out of the equation. Either way.

Surmounting fear with confidence, by either being in control through precise troubleshooting or by staying in the excitement. And then everything needed (in case of trouble) will be there to help, either we claim/grab it through planning or it will be handed to us.

So which way do I want to go in my life dream?

Doing in confidence or flowing in confidence?

I think I like the latter. Oh wait. Actually I should try both, and find excitement in the planning too.

You can BUILD confidence by planning and doing, but how do you build confidence by flowing? It’s an underlying knowledge, but where do you acquire that knowledge?

With DOING and PLANNING you eliminate as many unforeseeables you can think of, and you build knowledge through action and consequence:

  • if I book a hotel, I am eliminating the possibilities of having nowhere to stay
  • If I practice my riding skills, I eliminate the possibilities of a mistake and an accident
  • If I plan my route, I eliminate the possibility of getting lost
  • If I sort out a helmet, I eliminate the possibility of getting fined for breaking the law

planning is eliminating negative possibilities


Including the amazing magical ones.

It takes gutsy confidence to jump and just trust. Where to acquire that? learning by doing, by trying and finding out.


With the minimum of fear. And a little bit of planning help, the parachute.

This is how you acquire jumping confidence



Freya von Bulow
Freya von Bulow

Written by Freya von Bulow

AMSTERDAM DIARIES 2020+ Daily Philosopher Notes — Alchemy of Words. Creative Direction & Life Concept Creator

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